Risk Assessments (non-COVID)
- Where do I start with risk assessments?
- Where should risk assessments be kept?
- Who should sign off a risk assessment?
- Does writing a risk assessment stop us making last minute changes to our programme?
- What evidence is there that writing a risk assessment will reduce incidents?
- Do we only need to write risk assessments for section programmes?
- Can Scout Leaders attending section meetings/camps bring their own (non-Scout) children with them ?
- Can we demonstrate the use of traps/snares?
- Can an Occasional Helper or a Young Leader be the person who hold First Response ?
- Do we need a food hygiene certificate?
- Can we sign waivers if requested to by external providers?
- Minibus and Coach travel - Adult to Youth member ratio's
Safeguarding for members
- Can we add our Young Leaders to a local WhatsApp group?
- What is the guidance for use of bunk beds and communal showers?
- Can leaders help young people apply sun cream?
- The police have asked me for information about a Safeguarding concern, who should I contact ?
- Can young people walk home alone or be collected by an older sibling if a parent/carer requests this?
- Can an adult share accommodation with a young person in order to provide care?