Length of Service awards (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 year milestones) show on a members profile the day the length of service milestone is reached. They can be found under My Membership > My awards > My awards list.
Length of service (in full years) is shows on a member’s profile under My Membership > My profile > Roles and accreditations > My roles but please note that not all roles accrue service. (POR Chapter 16 - Teams Table determines which roles do/don’t accrue service).
If an individual’s role history is incorrect on the membership system (under My Membership > My profile > Roles and accreditations > My Roles), you will need to email the following details to support@scouts.org.uk so the Support Centre Team can rectify the member’s record:
• Exact start date of role (dd/mm/yy)
• Exact end date of role (dd/mm/yy)
• Exact role name
• Exact role location
• Evidence that the member did complete the above role for the above location during the above dates
Once a member’s record has been corrected, please email awards@scouts.org.uk so the Scout Awards Team who can then (if relevant) make amendments to any historic Length of Service Awards the member may already have and ensure any new Length of Service Awards are sent out in accordance with the normal timescales for Length of Service Awards.