Cloth badges or pin badges/brooches are sent out from UK Headquarters along with award certificates based on what each member has specified on their membership profile (under My Membership > My profile > Award preferences).
If nothing is specified, a cloth badge will be sent out however, if necessary, these can be returned and exchanged for a pin/brooch.
To swap a cloth badge for pin badge/brooch (for those recipients who don’t wear a uniform), please post the cloth badge to the following address:
Scout Awards Team – Badge Swap
The Scout Association
Gilwell Park
E4 7QW
In the envelope, please include your name and membership number as well as the address you’d like the pin badge/brooch sent to.
You don’t need to send a stamped addressed envelope, but please allow 28 working days for us to process the badge swap request (once the cloth badge has been received).
You can find more information on Length of Service awards on the website here.